viernes, 28 de enero de 2022


Reading is one of the most enriching habits that can be had, 
when learning English it is very important to read several things
since this way we will enrich our vocabulary and learn more efficiently
Géneros literarios: los 3 tipos que existen y sus subgéneros 
1. Page turner
2. cliff hanger
3. best seller
4. fast read
5. hard to follow
6. trash 



What is a Noun Clause? A noun clause is a dependent clause 
that takes the place of any noun in the sentence, whether they are subjects,
 objects, or subject complements 
A noun clause functions as a noun, often as a direct object. A noun clause can be 
introduced by that.
I didn'tknow that he wrote this book
Did you forget that her biography was 500 pages long?
When a noun clause functions as a direct object, that may be omitted especially 
in speaking
I didn't know he wrote this book
In short answers, use so to replace a noun clause after the verbs think, believe,
guess and hope
A. Does Stephen King have a new book out?
B. I think so. / I believe so/ I guess so


Embedded or included questions are used in two main situations: when we 
ask for information indirectly or when we report questions. This is 
common in more passive, or softer English (“Do you know…”), for reported
speech (“She told me where…”) or to discuss a question without directly
asking it (“I don’t know why…”). Embedded questions are noun phrases, 
so they use regular word order. The following article will explain when 
and how to use them, and is followed by some exercises.  
Did he like the article?   / I'd like to know if he liked the article
When was it written?/ I don't know when ir was written
A: Have you read anything interesting lately?

B: Actually, I'm reading a thriller called Don't Close Your A: I've never heard of that one. 
Is it any good?


B: Oh, I think it's a great book. And it's a cliff-hanger. I highly recommend it.

A: Well, do you think I could borrow it when you're done? I love cliff-hangers.

B: Sure! I doubt I'll finish it before next week, though. A: No problem. I can wait. 
The noun clauses are complex grammatical figures that require attention
to the meaning of the sentence, but serve to address issues 
in a more courteous and open way. Noun clauses serve the same function 
as nouns in a sentence, they can be the subject of a verb:




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